Wednesday, August 5, 2009

The waiting is the hardest part...

Our home study is written and our license is in the mail, which means we are open for placement. So now we just wait. This has made me crazy. I ossicialate between not wanting answer the same questions over and over again and being hurt when people don't ask. On Sunday I didn't really feel like going to church because I knew I would not have answers to any of the questions for all my excited friends. On the way to church I prayed and said " God I am not really feeling it so please show up today" and He did. The sermon was about waiting, and how this time is not in vain but a time where God is preparing you for what is coming, and the scripture she referenced was about Abraham and Sarah waiting for their baby. God is good and He will speak. Our children are coming He has promised me this. As my good friend Marcy said "I look at you and I see someone who is about 6 centimeters dilated right now, it could be any day" Amen

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